AI Scientist
Full Bio - CV - Publications - Collaboration
I’m a PhD candidate at McGill University and the Mila AI Institute (supervised by Reihaneh Rabbany and Jean-François Godbout), a member of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, and a research advisor at FAR.AI.
I lead teams towards making AI a transformatively positive force (instead of a potentially catastrophically negative one) on our ability to find reliable information and build knowledge. My research has been published in top venues such as NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI, EMNLP, and WebConf, and has been featured multiple times in the news such as the Financial Times, The Times, Vice, Scientific American, and Nature. At FAR.AI, collaborators and I have several projects on robustness of frontier models and of superhuman AIs that play the board game Go; for beating the latter as a human I’ve been called the “man who beat the machine”.